September 30, 2011

Kampung Pulsa Photoshoot

Several month ago, I was asked to do a shooting for Kampung Pulsa, A website that serves the purchase of pulses in the deposit. This photoshoot takes time for 2 hours and I got a lot of perfect pictures required for this website.

It's show time ! Dhea and Angga are ready in front of camera. Communication is very important in this point.  I tried to make them relax during photoshoot so I can get expression that I want. I think they are great model  because they can flirt with the camera at will during a photo shoot and give the look need in the shot on demand. Here are some sample photos that I took.

Talent : Dhea and Angga
Theme : Tribute for Kampung Pulsa

Kawah Putih Ciwidey South Bandung (The White Crater)

Bandung has many resorts which offer beautiful scenery. Located in the south Ciwidey Bandung,this area are interesting attraction is White Crater. White crater is a crater lake of Mount Patuha with a height of 2434 meters above sea level with temperatures between 8-22 ° C. The craters are formed by eruptions that occurred at about X and XII centuries ago. White crater is located about 46 km from the city of Bandung or 35 miles from the capital, Bandung regency, Soreang, headed Ciwidey.

Before being discovered in 1837, the people who lived around Mt. Patuha believed that the mountain top was a sacred place, haunted by the holy spirits of their the their ancestors. They would never venture anywhere near the mountain top's forests. A trespass like that would mean bad luck or even death. They also believed that on certain nights these spirits would have a meeting discussing the security and welfare of their people and the conservation of the forests and the natural recources that supported their livelihood.

Kawah putih is located at Ciwidey, Bandung Regency. It is very easy to get here from Bandung. Kawah Putih is an ecotourism which is a crater with white water. This place is used for tourism and pre-wedding photography location. The white water and stones bring dramatic view in the photograph.

September 28, 2011

Beauty Sunrise Palembang

Pada saat saya liburan ke Palembang, saya berhasil mengabadikan terjadinya sunrise di Palembang. Bayangkan saja, dari lima kali percobaan, di percobaan ke lima ini matahari dengan lembut dan indahnya menyinari kawasan Benteng Kuto Besak. BKB menurut saya merupakan spot paling ideal untuk mengabadikan sunrise ini.

Keindahan sunrise di Palembang untuk diabadikan merupakan hal yang langka, karena cuaca di sana terkadang sangat sangat tidak mendukung. Matahari pagi terkadang ditutupi oleh awan mendung, belum lagi keadaan kota Palembang saat ini ditutupi kabut yang dikatagorikan tingkat ekstrim dimana kabut ini akibat dari titik-titik api kebakaran hutan yang kering pada saat musim kemarau.

Saat itu saya berangkat dari rumah pukul 04.30 WIB, sangat-sangat niat menurut saya. Saya langsung menuju ke rumah kak Arman, karena sudah janjian sebelumnya. Lalu bersama Indra, saya langsung ke rumah Septian, pada saat itu matahari sudah mulai menujukkan tanda-tanda mau muncul. Kami pun sampai ke lokasi kira kira pukul 05.15. Alhamdulillah matahari terbit dengan indahnya, dan sesi pemotretan landscape pun dimulai.

Itu saja cerita saya tentang keindahan landscape di Palembang, suatu saat saya akan mencoba lagi untuk memotret disana. Kelak saya akan pulang sewaktu telah memegang gelar ST di tangan. Mudah-mudahan awal tahun ini diberi kelancaran.


Testing Strobist : Tribute for Pondok Tirta (Potir)

Talent : Orang-orang 1/2 waras (baca : saya, Ucink, Ucil, Arul)
Spot : Danau IT Telkom Bandung

September 27, 2011


Talent : Dara
Spot : Asia Africa Building

Curug Maribaya

Curug Maribaya

Sun Hallow

September 26, 2011

Sporty Winda

Spot : LC IT Telkom Bandung

Waiting for Sunset

Talent : Merri
Spot : Palembang

September 24, 2011

Sexy in Phinisi Boat

Talent : Marya
Spot : Phinishi Boat 

September 23, 2011

American Fashion


Talent : Biuw
Spot : Taman Kenten Bukit Golf